Primary Wallet
Your primary wallet is your gateway to Everstrike's DEX mode. You can use it to deposit, withdraw, stake, redeem and mint. Transfers between the Everstrike Smart Contracts and your primary wallet are near-instantaneous, providing a seamless deposit/withdrawal experience.
What is a wallet?
A wallet is a blockchain address, which you, and only you, control. The blockchain address has an associated private key and public key. You can interact with your wallet through wallet software, such as Metamask and Phantom.
Why do I need to register my wallet as primary wallet on Everstrike?
Everstrike does not currently support having multiple wallets per account. Thus, you'll need to select the wallet that you want to use with your Everstrike account.
If you're only planning to use Everstrike in CEX mode (with Everstrike managing your wallet on your behalf), you do not need to set or register anything, and can safely ignore this article.
How can I set my primary wallet?
By signing a message with your wallet and publishing it to the blockchain.
The message looks like this:
"I want to register my wallet with Everstrike and my unique account ID is <UNIQUE ACCOUNT ID>"
The Everstrike Frontend UI automatically prepares the signing transaction for you. To publish it to the blockchain, you'll need to confirm it within your wallet.
For a step-by-step description of the process (including pictures), refer to How To Start Trading On Everstrike.
What if I want to change my primary wallet in the future?
You'll need to create another Everstrike account that uses your new wallet as primary wallet.
What if I lose access to my primary wallet?
It is your own responsibility to ensure that you have backed up your wallet properly. Everstrike support cannot help you recover access to it.
Is it safe to sign a message with my wallet?
Yes. As long as you can see what the message contains, and understand it fully.
Never sign a message with content that you don't understand.
Everstrike uses a very simple message format:
"I want to register my wallet with Everstrike and my unique account ID is <UNIQUE ACCOUNT ID>"
Signing this message does not provide any authorization to anyone, not even the Everstrike Smart Contracts. It is purely used for registration purposes (proving ownership of the wallet and recording it within the Everstrike Smart Contracts).
Last updated
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